Artist Sekouba Bambino triumphantly returns to Guinea

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After a successful international tour, Guinean music star Sekouba Bambino has returned to her home country. The artist was warmly welcomed at the airport by many fans and supporters, thus testifying to his immense popularity among the Guinean population.

In a statement on his Facebook page, Sekouba Bambino said he was "very happy to be able to meet [his] brothers and sisters in this holy month of Ramadan" and thanked all those who made the trip for welcoming him to the airport. This mobilization reflects the public's commitment and support to the artist's initiative to organize a "Humanitarian Gala concert" whose proceeds will be used to take care of the needy, including children.



The concert will take place on April 13, 2024 at the Chapiteau BY ISSA. Sekouba Bambino invites all his compatriots to come many to support this humanitarian cause. He also wanted to thank the Social Development and Indigence Fund for its involvement in the organization of this solidarity event.

Known for its social and charitable commitment, Sekouba Bambino takes advantage of its reputation to help the most vulnerable populations of Guinea. This concert represents a new opportunity for the artist to mobilize his audience around a noble cause and to contribute to the improvement of the living conditions of people in need.