Mamadou Antonio Souaré is an unparalleled Guinean entrepreneur and sports manager, a living legend of success through hard work. Born in 1952 in Kindia, this self-made man has built a tentacular empire in sectors as diverse as business, media, tourism, transportation and of course sport. Passionate about football from an early age, this prodigy engineer has transformed his love of the round ball into a thriving economic and sporting ecosystem.
President of the legendary Horoya AC, the Guinea Football Federation and the Union of West African Federations, billionaire philanthropist, Antonio Souaré embodies the accomplished African entrepreneur, determined to pass on his taste for excellence to future generations. His exceptional journey, marked by landmark achievements, makes him a true model of ambition, dedication and persistence for a whole continent.
Mamadou Antonio Souaré (born May 10, 1952 in Kindia, Guinea) is a Guinean professional footballer. He chairs the Business Marketing Group (GBM), the airline Guinea Airlines, the football club Horoya AC of Conakry, the Guinea Football Federation (FEGUIFOOT) and the Union of West African Football Federations. (UFOA-B). His exceptional career illustrates unprecedented entrepreneurial success, closely linked to his passion for sport, especially football.
Childhood and Education
Originally from the Wondima district of Kindia, a city famous for its fruits, vegetables and sports excellence, Antonio Souaré grew up in a prestigious Marabou family. Although he bears a name contrasting with his roots, he learned to master the Koran while excelling in French studies, where his talents in numbers and communications were revealed.
A graduate of engineering from Gamal Abdel Nasser University of Conakry in a promotion of excellence of only 7 students, the young Souaré also demonstrated a gift for football. His flexibility, elegance, and vision of panoramic play would have enabled him to envisage a career in the field, like his idol Nabylaye Papa Camara. However, on the wise advice of his elder brother and a close relative, he chose the path of engineering, while retaining football as a full-fledged passion.
Professional career
Far from being content with a paid job in an environment unfavourable to private entrepreneurship, the young graduate quickly resigns from the PTT to start business. Representing the Mazda brand in Guinea, he imported cars and opened the famous nightclub "Zambèzi-Hexagone" in Conakry. It was the beginning of a brilliant career as a manager crowned by the creation and success of multiple companies.
As a true visionary builder, Antonio Souaré is building a conglomerate of companies in various areas: holding GBM, lottery Guinea Games (present in 21 countries), TV channel CIS-TV, sports and hotel complex 5 stars of Yorokoguia with training academy, real estate, transportation, etc. His group became a leading management reference in Africa.
Entrepreneurial start
The early days of the Souaré Empire began modestly with the import of cars of the Mazda brand, of which he became the representative in Guinea. Very early, his sharp sense of business and legendary dynamism are manifested in the most unexpected sectors.
A passionate musician, he organized the prestigious Conakry International Gala in the 1990s. Nominated the "adopted son" of Miriam Makeba, the South African icon "Mama Africa", he manages his heritage and his tours in a very intimate relationship.
Guinée Games
One of the cornerstones of the Souaré empire is undoubtedly Guinea Games, the largest lottery company in the country, becoming an indispensable player in 21 countries around the world. In addition to gambling, the company sponsors many major sports events such as the U17 African Cup of Nations, the Women's African Cup and the Futsal Cup.
The remarkable success of the Guinea Games enables Antonio Souaré to further strengthen his stature as an influential businessman and realize his ambitions in the world of football.
Business success
The journey of Antonio Souaré is a true entrepreneurial epic. From representing a car brand to chairing tentational holdings, through activities as diverse as lottery, media, hotel or air transport, this self-made man has built an economic empire worthy of the greatest industry captains.
Estimated at £650 billion by the KameTop site in 2021, his colossal fortune makes him one of the richest men and the most emerging entrepreneur in Guinea in the last 6 years. A success he attributes to 35 years of hard work, as these words testify: "My money, I do not owe it to anyone, I sought it alone for thirty-five years on the continent."
Among the major achievements of this tireless builder are the Yorokoguia Sports and Leisure Centre, a 5-star complex comprising a 15,000-seat stadium, a high-level training academy, state-of-the-art hotel infrastructure and extensive training fields.
The launch of the national airline Guinea Airlines is another entrepreneurial achievement. Not to mention the purchase of the legendary football club Horoya AC and the financing of its state-of-the-art infrastructure.
Antonio Souaré's passion for sport, and more football, remains the guiding line uniting all his achievements. Beyond the chairmanship of Horoya AC, the most sparkling jewel of its sporting empire, the man invests himself at all levels of the Guinea and continental round ball.
He has led the Guinea Football Federation since 2017 and the UFOA West Zone since 2019, giving a new momentum to the development of national and regional football. His ambitions put the Syli National on the path of African and global conquest.
An influential member of the CAF’s Interclubs Commission, having also refined the court’s funds through his sponsorship, Antonio Souaré has resolutely set Africa as the playing field.
Elected president of the Guinea Football Federation (FEGUIFOOT) in February 2017, Antonio Souaré leads national football with an iron hand, determined to defend it "as in other countries". Under his leadership, Guinea has resumed major international events such as the U17 World Cup in Chile in 2015.
His ambitious road map until 2022 aims to build FEGUIFOOT into a model federation, modernize the old-fashioned infrastructure inherited and unleash the full potential of male and female national teams. A real revolution in progress.
Private life
Behind this business conqueror lies a discreet and generous man. Together with his wife Hadja Tété Kaba, Antonio Souaré cultivated humility and sharing, giving the same consideration to the poor as to the nantes. Far from intrigues, this united couple perpetuates the values of solidarity and mutual help to the peoples.
The billionaire has established seafood and soap-making cooperatives in many prefectures in the country, such as Fria, cited as an example for his success. This social and philanthropic aspect testifies to a man of great heart, concerned with improving the living conditions of his fellow citizens.
Alongside his wife Hadja Tété Kaba, who gives him unwavering support in the shadows, Antonio Souaré advocates a life of humility and generosity towards others. This couple, united in terms of values, is constantly fighting for more sharing and solidarity in Guinea.
Awards and recognitions
Antonio Souaré’s outstanding entrepreneurial, sporting and social achievements have been welcomed on many occasions:
- 2019, 2020, 2021 : Best Mecene of the Year at the Guinean Merit Victories.
- 2022 : Prize of the Great Private Investment Promoter and Best African Sports Investor of the Year awarded by NOV'Africa in Casablanca.
These awards coronate the inspiring journey of this self-made man, recognized as a model of success and philanthropy on the African continent.
In many ways, Mamadou Antonio Souaré embodies the Guinean exception. From nothing, this prodigious engineer transformed his passion for sport into an international multisectoral economic empire.
From popular neighborhoods of Kindia to the summit of the African football gratin, his flashing ascension forces admiration. President of major clubs, federations, holdings and companies, this unparalleled builder has inspired a new era in every sector he has affected.
With his dedication to sports, his investment in socio-economic development and his philanthropic achievements, Antonio Souaré has made himself a giant on the Guinea and African stage. A model of dedication, determination and ambition for future generations.
As a true living legend, the exceptional trajectory of this exceptional man continues to be an endless source of inspiration, beyond the borders of his home country.