Tibou Camara

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Politics and Governance

Tibou Camara is a prominent Guinean politician, journalist, and negotiator, known for his influential role in shaping Guinea's political landscape.

Born on November 4, 1973, in Dinguiraye, Tibou has demonstrated remarkable versatility throughout his career, transitioning from journalism to political advisory positions.

With a reputation for astute negotiation skills and a deep understanding of Guinea's political dynamics, Tibou has served as a trusted advisor to several presidents, including Lansana Conté, Yaya Jammeh, Dadis Camara, Sékouba Konaté, and Alpha Condé.

His ability to navigate complex crises, both national and regional, has earned him recognition as a skilled mediator. Despite facing challenges, including periods of exile and arrest, Tibou's unwavering dedication to public service continues to shape his legacy in Guinean politics.

In this biography, we will explore the life and accomplishments of Tibou Camara, shedding light on his journey from a young journalist to a trusted confidant of Guinea's leaders.

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In the realm of Guinean politics, few figures have demonstrated the diverse range of skills, experiences, and influence that Tibou Camara possesses.

Born on November 4, 1973, in Dinguiraye, Tibou is a prominent politician, journalist, and negotiator. Throughout his career, he has left an indelible mark on Guinea's political landscape, serving as a special advisor to several presidents and assuming ministerial roles of great importance.

Early Years and Journalism Career

Tibou Camara's passion for journalism ignited during his formative years. Tibou Camara pursued his university studies in Abidjan, where he graduated with a degree in modern literature. He embarked on his journalistic path, working at L'Indépendant before eventually founding the weekly newspaper, L'Observateur, in 2000.

As the managing editor of L'Observateur from 2003, Tibou fearlessly expressed his views through editorials while simultaneously building connections with the political class.

Encounter with Alpha Condé

During his tenure at L'Observateur, Tibou Camara crossed paths with Alpha Condé, an influential opposition figure exiled in France at the time. Their discussions proved significant, as they laid the foundation for a future collaboration.

As a testament to the respect Tibou garnered, Alpha Condé, along with his rival Cellou Dalein Diallo, often frequented the offices of L'Observateur, with Alpha Condé taking his customary seat.

Political Engagement and Negotiation Skills

In 2008, Tibou Camara's political journey took off when he was appointed Minister of Communication and New Information Technologies in the government of Cellou Dalein Diallo.

Prior to this appointment, he had already served as the chairman of the National Council of Communication. Tibou's negotiation prowess emerged as a defining trait during this time, and his skills were called upon during national and regional political crises.

Role in 2009 Transition

During the transitional period and prior to the election of Alpha Condé, Tibou Camara served as a trusted advisor to Sékouba Konaté, a key figure in Guinea's political landscape as president of the transition.

As an advisor, Tibou played a pivotal role in shaping the country's political course during this critical time. His keen insights, negotiation skills, and strategic acumen helped guide Konaté's decision-making process and navigate the complexities of the transitional period.

Tibou's commitment to stability and his ability to forge meaningful relationships with various stakeholders contributed to the successful transition of power, setting the stage for Guinea's subsequent presidential election and the eventual rise of Alpha Condé.

His role as an advisor during this transformative period underscores Tibou Camara's profound impact on Guinea's political landscape.

Key Negotiator and Advisor

Following the election of Alpha Condé in 2010, Tibou Camara played a crucial role as a key negotiator. He skillfully led various political negotiation committees, contributing to stabilizing the country during a period of transition.

His expertise extended beyond Guinea's borders when he became an instrumental figure in resolving the political crisis in Gambia after Adama Barrow's victory over Yahya Jammeh.

Exile and Arrest

Unfortunately, Tibou's career trajectory faced a significant setback when he was accused by Alpha Condé of being involved in a failed assault on the president's residence in July 2011. Fearing for his safety, Tibou sought refuge in Morocco, living in exile for several years.

However, Tibou Camara was approached by Yahya Jammeh to come to his side as an adviser, a position he held until he was pardoned by Alpha Condé and returned to Guinea.

Personal Life and Legacy

Beyond his political endeavors, Tibou Camara leads a fulfilling personal life. He is married to Miryam Soumah, and together they have a daughter named Rayane and a son named Riad Yaya.

Tibou's legacy in Guinean politics continues to be shaped by his unwavering dedication to public service, his adept negotiation skills, and his ability to navigate complex political scenarios.


Tibou Camara's multifaceted career as a journalist, politician, negotiator, and advisor has undoubtedly left an indelible mark on Guinea's political landscape.

From his early days as a journalist to his influential role as a trusted advisor to multiple presidents, Tibou's journey has been filled with remarkable accomplishments and challenges. As we await further developments regarding his recent arrest, the future remains uncertain for this exceptional figure in Guinean politics.

Nonetheless, Tibou Camara's contributions and resilience continue to inspire those who admire his dedication to public service and his commitment to shaping a better Guinea for all.


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