Aicha Diaby

Aicha Diaby
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Literature and Cinema

Aicha Diaby is a 29-year-old Guinea woman, born and raised in Paris. She is the director, screenwriter and general delegate of the Conakry International Film Festival in Guinea. Despite her young age, she has already accomplished a remarkable journey, driven by her passion for cinema and her desire to promote African culture.

After studying African history and international relations, she embarked on a film career, making her first acknowledged short film, Pain Silent. In 2022, she created the Moving Cinema Festival before founding the Conakry International Film Festival, a must-see event celebrating African cinema.

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Born in Paris in the 18th arrondissement, Aicha Diaby is an inspiring personality of the new generation of Africans. At the age of 29, she is the director, screenwriter and general delegate of the Conakry International Film Festival, which has become a must-see event in Guinea. Her rich and tumultuous journey demonstrates her determination to excel in her field and to contribute to the building of Africa's development.

Childhood and Education

Aicha Diaby came from a Guinea family settled in France, and grew up surrounded by brothers and sisters imbued with culture. From an early age, she was nourished by their love for reading, the arts and visiting the Louvre. This childhood bathed in a cultural environment shaped her character and her desire to succeed.

A brilliant student, Aicha Diaby attended colleges ranked in Priority Education Zone (PEP), where she stands out as a class delegate and one of the best students. Despite an sometimes difficult environment, she managed to stay focused on her goal of success.

After obtaining her bachelor's degree, Aicha Diaby undertook studies in African history at the Sorbonne, nurturing her love for her roots. She then pursued a master's degree in International and European Studies, initially aimed at a political or diplomatic career.

Professionnal career

At the age of 22, Aicha Diaby was appointed Deputy Commissioner of the Conakry World Book Capital Programme with UNESCO, an event that drew her to Guinea. Subsequently, she served as the head of the cinema room at Canal Olympia in Conakry, representing the Vivendi group.

Despite her young age and the challenges associated with managing older teams, Aicha Diaby has shown great determination. However, faced with corruption and the difficulties of the Guinea system, she ended up experiencing a burn-out and had to return to France to pursue her studies at Sciences Po Grenoble.

Back in France, Aicha Diaby worked for the Ministry of the Interior while attending training in audiovisual and cinematographic creation. Her first short film, "Dolore Silencieuse", screened in Cannes, marked the turning point in her career as a director and screenwriter.

General Delegate of the FIFC

Aware of the lack of film distribution in Africa, Aicha Diaby launched in 2022 the Cinénomade Festival, an event to promote African cinema in remote areas of the continent. After a first roaming edition, the festival settled in Conakry in 2023, becoming the first event of its kind in Guinea according to the Ministry of Culture.

For three days, the Conakry International Film Festival welcomed more than 25 celebrities from African and international cinema. Programme: film screenings, round tables, masterclasses, and honorary awards. The event also enabled villagers to make their own films through the Amateur Film Factory.

Awards and Recognition

Aicha Diaby's work has not gone unnoticed. Her short film "Silencieous Pain" has been screened at numerous festivals around the world, winning several awards. As for the Cinénomade Festival, it has been praised by the Ministry of Culture of Guinea for its unprecedented character and impact on the promotion of African cinema.


At only 29, Aicha Diaby has already made a remarkable journey. Driven by her passion for cinema and her desire to promote African culture, she has managed to meet the challenges and establish herself as an inspiring figure of her generation.

With her audacity, perseverance and excellence, Aicha Diaby embodies this new wave of ambitious young Africans, determined to break stereotypes and shape a new narrative for their continent. With projects such as films, series and the perpetuation of the Cinénomade Festival, she intends to continue on this path and leave a lasting mark.

Her message to African youth? "Be bold, dream great, and never give up what you are undertaking." A vibrant call for action, ambition and success, carried by a strong and inspiring voice for future generations.


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