Mohamed Bangoura

Mohamed Bangoura
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Entrepreneurship & Innovation

Mohamed Bangoura (born 1990 in Fria) is a Guinean agricultural engineer. Born in a peasant family, he grew up with a passion for agriculture and decided to devote his life to this vital activity for the economic development of his country. After studying at the Faranah Higher Agronomic Institute and many practical experiences in the field, he became a successful agricultural entrepreneur, managing production activities on behalf of domestic and international investors.

At the same time, it shares its expertise by training rural communities in the best agricultural techniques, with a view to improving their yields and incomes. His inspiring journey testifies to a determination to the test and a deep attachment to the values of the earth.

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In a country where agriculture is an essential pillar of economic development, Mohamed Bangoura has chosen to devote his life to this noble activity. From a peasant family, this agronomic engineer shares an ambitious vision: to make Guinea's agriculture a driver of sustainable growth and a vehicle of prosperity for rural populations. His inspiring journey testifies to a determination to the test and a deep attachment to the values of the earth.


Born in 1990 in Fria, Mohamed Bangoura grew up in a large family in Conakry. From an early age, he was introduced to the work of the fields by his father, a passionate farmer who owned vast lands in the village. Each school vacation was an opportunity for the young Mohamed to join his father and participate in the seedlings and peanut harvests. This early exposure to agriculture shaped his love of land and his understanding of natural cycles.


Mohamed Bangoura attended a classical school course in Conakry, where he completed his primary, secondary and baccalaureate studies. However, his attachment to his family's peasant roots never faded, fuelled by regular visits to the village during the holidays.

After obtaining his bachelor's degree, Mohamed naturally chose to pursue his studies at the Faranah Institute of Agronomics, the only agronomy training institution in Guinea. Far from being content with theoretical teachings, he seized every opportunity to deepen his practical knowledge. During his university vacation, he travelled to various agricultural areas of the country, such as Timbimadina, Kindia and Mafrena, to train himself in the techniques of growing potatoes, bananas and other local produce.

Technical skills

Through his field experiences, Mohamed Bangoura has developed a versatile expertise in agriculture. His expertise ranges from soil preparation to seed selection, through irrigation, fertilization and pest control techniques. At the same time, he has acquired a solid knowledge of the challenges associated with the marketing of agricultural products and the management of farms.

Professionnal career

Even before obtaining his agronomic engineering degree, Mohamed Bangoura had started putting his knowledge into practice. With the help of his father, he started his first modest agricultural business, growing pepper on a 500 m2 plot. The success of this first harvest strengthened his determination and encouraged him to gradually expand his activities.

After graduating, Mohamed continued his expansion into agriculture. By taking advantage of social networks and the Internet, it has attracted the attention of investors willing to embark on agricultural projects. Thanks to its credibility and expertise, it has coordinated production activities on behalf of these investors, giving them access to their own lands or accompanying them to other lands.

Agricultural entrepreneur

Over the years, Mohamed Bangoura has consolidated his position as a prosperous agricultural entrepreneur. Its business model is based on a win-win principle: it manages the entire production process on behalf of investors, in exchange for a portion of the profits. This approach has enabled it to establish fruitful partnerships with national and international actors, while contributing to the development of local agriculture.


Alongside his entrepreneurial activities, Mohamed Bangoura has established himself as a respected trainer in the field of agriculture. Requested by non-governmental organizations, donors and peasant groups, he shares his expertise through both theoretical and practical training. Its objective is to transmit the best agricultural techniques to rural communities, in order to help them improve their yields and incomes.


To enhance its impact, Mohamed Bangoura has partnered with various national and international organizations involved in agricultural development in Guinea. These collaborations enable it to access additional resources, such as funding, equipment and logistical support, thereby enhancing its capacity to support rural communities.


The journey of Mohamed Bangoura testifies to the transformative power of agriculture when it is conducted with passion, determination and expertise. Despite the challenges facing the Guinea agricultural sector, this inspiring agronomist has been able to build a viable and sustainable economic model, while contributing to the development of rural communities. Its history is a source of inspiration for younger generations, demonstrating that agriculture can be a vehicle of progress and prosperity for Guinea.


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