Hadja Aissatou Bella Diallo

Hadja Aissatou Bella Diallo
First name
Aissatou Bella
Last name
Native country
Politics and Governance
Media and Communication

Aissatou Bella Diallo is a pioneer in the media and politics world in Guinea. Born into a modest family, she was able to climb the ladder to become the first woman Minister of Information in her country.

After starting her career as editor-in-chief at Radiodiffusion Télévision Guineenne, she became the chief executive officer, demonstrating her talent and determination.

A woman of challenges, she also founded Radio Liberté FM. Her outstanding achievements have earned her many awards, including the Golden Camera for the best television newspaper at the FESPACO 1997 and the title of Knight of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Guinea.

Mother of three children, Aissatou Bella Diallo is a true model of inspiration for Guinea and African women.

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Aissatou Bella Diallo is an emblematic figure in Guinea's media and political landscape. Born into a modest family, she climbed the ladder to become the first woman Minister of Information in her country.

Her journey inspires and testifies to his determination to break glass ceilings.


From a family of five children, Aissatou Bella Diallo grew up surrounded by two sisters and three brothers. Her father, a professional driver, was an inspiration for this ambitious woman who never lost sight of her roots.

Professional career

Aissatou Bella Diallo began her career at Radiodiffusion Télévision Guineenne (RTG), where she went from editor-in-chief to director-general. His talent and dedication allowed him to leave an indelible mark on the Guinea media landscape.


In recognition of her outstanding achievements, Aissatou Bella Diallo was appointed Minister of Information and Communication of Guinea. This historic appointment marked a major turning point in the promotion of gender equality within the government of Guinea.

On 25 January 2019, she was appointed Minister Adviser on Mission to the Presidency of the Republic, demonstrating the confidence placed in her by the highest instances of the country.

Awards and Recognition

Thro her career, Aissatou Bella Diallo has been rewarded for her outstanding work. In 1997, she won the Golden Camera for Best Television Newspaper at the famous Panafrican Film and Television Festival of Ouagadougou (FESPACO) in Burkina Faso.

She was also honoured with the title of Knight of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Guinea, a prestigious distinction that underlines her dedication to her country.

Private life

Aissatou Bella Diallo was married to Aguibou Thiam and was the mother of three children: Madina, Madany and Mohamed. Despite her many professional responsibilities, she managed to maintain a balance between her career and her family life.


Aissatou Bella Diallo is a true pioneer of communication in Guinea. Her exceptional career and unwavering commitment have made her a model for young women aspiring to succeed in areas traditionally dominated by men.

Her determination and resilience helped to break down barriers and pave the way for a more equitable representation of women in the spheres of power.


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